Well, I started radiation yesterday and I have one word to describe it: creepy.

I am sorry if you are sick of my whining, but I cannot get excited about this treatment. It is just too creepy. I have tried to have a positive attitude as in I am lucky to have health care, lucky that they have improved the technology, lucky that the people at Sequoia are nice and conscientious, but none of it really erases my true feelings. That this is a creepy thing and it seems hard to believe that I have to go 33 times.

The room is dark and the bed is metal. You are supposed to lie there quietly and DON'T MOVE! while a huge machine zaps rays at you from various directions.

Creepy, creepy, creepy

But I get to bring my own music. I chose something that I feel lucky to listen to 33 times: "A Love Supreme" by John Coltrane.

And if winter (has) come, can spring be far behind? 33 visits to Sequoia should fly by.

Which also means that the days are numbered in terms of me milking this cancer thing for all the sympathy imaginable.


How fortunate that my 42nd birthday is fast upon us.

Me, me, me!

Here is what I want for my birthday: for everyone to do something EXTRA in terms of physical extertion some time in August. It can be a bike ride, a swim, or a walk to Starbucks. I am sure it seems silly but I would like to think that some good can come of this cancer mess, and isn't exercise and fitness a good thing? I look very forward to hearing about your triumphs.

If you don't have any ideas of what to do, come walk my dog! Flora would love to be part of this project.

Thank you for listening. Happy August!